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Foto del escritorLauren Camargo


While these two sports can be absolutely mutually exclusive at times, they have a tremendous amount in common that will crossover. Triathlon is of course the focus on swimming, biking and running. All three disciplines require skill sets, training & practice to become more efficient.

With duathlon training and racing it’s two disciplines, running and cycling only. There are two run sets though.

How would training and racing at a duathlon help you become stronger, faster and more efficient in a triathlon?

Simple, it’s a new challenge to the muscle recruitment systems as well as your psychological training systems. Practicing the bike while you’re tired from the first run helps build fatigue resistance and stamina.

Anytime you’re able to practice more T2 brick bike-to-run transitions, the better. Even short 5 minute runs off the bike help get your body used to the transition. This helps you feel more stable, confident and ready for race day.

When training and racing with duathlon, your run volume often increases. This helps to build up your running skills, speed and overall performance. The old saying of “practice makes perfect” comes into play here.

Try a duathlon with us this November and you’ll see some of the skills and performance transfer over to your triathlon training and racing.

Our Mexicali Rose Duathlon is fun and challenging race. Our duathlon offers awesome trails and sights like no other. Join us for a grass roots race you won’t soon forget.


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