TIPS FOR DUATHLON TRAINING IN THE HEATLauren Camargo4 ago 20223 Min. de lecturaHappy Pre Weekend, I hope you have a great weekend ! Then, I spent the rest of the time inside with the AC on because the heat is on here in California. My run on Saturday was tough due to the humidity. As I was toughing out the run I compiled a list in my head of tips for DUATHLON training in the heat.Register to MEXICALI ROSE DUATHLONTIPS FOR Duathlon TRAINING IN THE HEAT1. SLOW Down: No one likes to hear this, but when it is really hot, take it a bit slower. If you use a Heart Rate monitor, keep it within range for the distance you are running. In other words, ignore your pace and follow your heart! 2. HYDRATE: If you are doing a long run, make sure to hydrate well, not only with Water, but also an electrolyte replacement drink. One of the big dangers of training (particularly running) in the heat is Hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. In endurance sports, it is most often caused by drinking too much water without replacing sodium. Some Symptoms of this life threatening condition are: nausea & vomiting, headache, confusion, muscle weakness, spasms & cramps. I like to alternate drinking between water and my electrolyte replacement drink on hot days. I also use salt tabs for very long workouts where I am biking and running.3. COOL Yourself Down: Create an Ice Slurry if you are going on a long run or bike. You can do this by using a blender and adding ice to water or your favorite sports drink. Blend it to a consistency that is slushy. Put this an insulated bottle to carry with you on the bike. For running, you can do the same and carry it. Alternate it between hands to help cool you down while taking small sips of it. I wear a fuel belt when I run, so I put the slurry in one of the 10 ounce bottles and take a sip of the cold mix at the end of each mile as a reward.4. GET WET: Another great way to keep cool on a hot days is to carry some water to douse over your head as you heat up. I like to take one of the bottles from my fuel belt, fill it with water and place it in the freezer for an hour or two before I head out the door. It will be slightly frozen, but melt slowly while I am running. I take this water to squirt on my head or splash on my face as I run. Of course, just make sure it is the water that you pour over your head and not your sports drink! I label my bottles with “W” for water & “”E” for electrolytes, as I have made this mistake more than once!5. ARM COOLERS: Consider wearing Arm Coolers. Arm coolers help to reflect the sun and also aid with evaporative cooling by converting your sweat into a “refrigerant” to help cool the body. I have found them to be a huge help in the heat!6. DO IT EARLY: This is one thing I have to admit I am terrible about! However, if you can get started early in the morning and avoid the heat of the day, it will make a big difference. On Sunday, I headed out the door early as I knew my ride would take around 3 hours to complete and I am glad I did!SO TELL ME…How do you stay cool training on hot days? Do you have any tips for triathlon training in the heat to add to this list? Is there a tip of mine that you are going to try?GET OUR NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBING TO OUR BLOG.
Happy Pre Weekend, I hope you have a great weekend ! Then, I spent the rest of the time inside with the AC on because the heat is on here in California. My run on Saturday was tough due to the humidity. As I was toughing out the run I compiled a list in my head of tips for DUATHLON training in the heat.Register to MEXICALI ROSE DUATHLONTIPS FOR Duathlon TRAINING IN THE HEAT1. SLOW Down: No one likes to hear this, but when it is really hot, take it a bit slower. If you use a Heart Rate monitor, keep it within range for the distance you are running. In other words, ignore your pace and follow your heart! 2. HYDRATE: If you are doing a long run, make sure to hydrate well, not only with Water, but also an electrolyte replacement drink. One of the big dangers of training (particularly running) in the heat is Hyponatremia. Hyponatremia is a condition that occurs when the level of sodium in your blood is abnormally low. In endurance sports, it is most often caused by drinking too much water without replacing sodium. Some Symptoms of this life threatening condition are: nausea & vomiting, headache, confusion, muscle weakness, spasms & cramps. I like to alternate drinking between water and my electrolyte replacement drink on hot days. I also use salt tabs for very long workouts where I am biking and running.3. COOL Yourself Down: Create an Ice Slurry if you are going on a long run or bike. You can do this by using a blender and adding ice to water or your favorite sports drink. Blend it to a consistency that is slushy. Put this an insulated bottle to carry with you on the bike. For running, you can do the same and carry it. Alternate it between hands to help cool you down while taking small sips of it. I wear a fuel belt when I run, so I put the slurry in one of the 10 ounce bottles and take a sip of the cold mix at the end of each mile as a reward.4. GET WET: Another great way to keep cool on a hot days is to carry some water to douse over your head as you heat up. I like to take one of the bottles from my fuel belt, fill it with water and place it in the freezer for an hour or two before I head out the door. It will be slightly frozen, but melt slowly while I am running. I take this water to squirt on my head or splash on my face as I run. Of course, just make sure it is the water that you pour over your head and not your sports drink! I label my bottles with “W” for water & “”E” for electrolytes, as I have made this mistake more than once!5. ARM COOLERS: Consider wearing Arm Coolers. Arm coolers help to reflect the sun and also aid with evaporative cooling by converting your sweat into a “refrigerant” to help cool the body. I have found them to be a huge help in the heat!6. DO IT EARLY: This is one thing I have to admit I am terrible about! However, if you can get started early in the morning and avoid the heat of the day, it will make a big difference. On Sunday, I headed out the door early as I knew my ride would take around 3 hours to complete and I am glad I did!SO TELL ME…How do you stay cool training on hot days? Do you have any tips for triathlon training in the heat to add to this list? Is there a tip of mine that you are going to try?GET OUR NEWSLETTER SUBSCRIBING TO OUR BLOG.
No daré marcha atrás... y tus posibilidades de ser nombrado caballero se han IDO: el editor de la revista F1 que publicó un impactante informe de 19 páginas de Christian Horner se niega a ceder ante l